Sunday, April 26, 2015

Middlesex Blog #2: Current event: Military draft

            The military draft is something that does not concern the everyday child like it does Chapter 11. In the midst of a war the military draft inflicts fear into many parents, siblings and young adults. Many so fearful that they even think about leaving the country to avoid the draft. With big wars such as World War 1 and 2 the draft was necessary to fill in vacant spots in the force. At the end of the Vietnam War the draft was upheld reliving many young American men.
            What if the draft was still in place? Charlie Rangel, a lawyer, believes that implementing the military draft would again would make the United States a safer country. He says,  "If we're going to get into wars, we have to be prepared to make sacrifices. It shouldn't just be poor-ass kids volunteering to do the work". As Rangel states may go into the war simply because they cannot afford higher education nor can they get a good paying job. Therefore, shouldn't everyone be playing a role in America's military system? Although Rangel makes some good points he is having difficulty finding people to support his point of view simply because at the moment were in no need of soldiers.
            In some sense, the Hunger Games reaping and the military draft are two similar ideas. No one wants to be picked besides the few crazy ones who volunteer themselves.  Although joining the military today either by draft or volunteer does not mean a guaranteed death it does increase ones chances. This scares the hell out of us. The idea of and increased likelihood of death.  Basically, the average American does not have the courage to join the military on their own accord. And if the draft still existed one would see a lot of children have the same idea as Chapter 11 and book it out of the country before they hit 18. Rightfully so people are afraid of war because people are afraid of death. War is something that is not new and will continue to coexist with man.

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